Lent begins on Ash Wednesday - March 5th! Join us for Mass and distribution of ashes at 8am or 7pm.
Lenten Regulations:The Sacred Heart Columbarium provides you an affordable alternative to in-ground burial. The Columbarium offers beauty, simplicity, and close proximity to the church you loved and served. Niche prices range from $795 (single) to $2,990 (double) plus inscription and urn costs. Please contact Ed Miller at [email protected] or at (970) 270-7770.
How to sign up for FORMED
1. Go to formed.org
2. Cllck on Sign Up button.
3. Enter 81521 in Search window (zip code for Sacred Heart}.
4. This should bring up Sacred Heart Church, click on this then click Next.
5. Enter your name & email then click Next.
6. This will bring up a screen telling you to check your email. When you get the email, click on the link, and it will bring you back to Formed.org and you can start watching.